It’s extremely cold here in the UK at the moment (coldest winter for over 30 years apparently), so what better way to warm yourself up than to have a lovely bowl of homemade soup!
Organic Recipes
Marge’s Fried Fish Balls
I don’t normally deep fry food but sometimes it makes a lovely change to have a proper homemade fried delight. Here is my version of this classic and delicious dish.
Wild food – Blewit Pate recipe
Serve on toast or, alternatively, stuff between the skin and breast of a chicken before roasting (it’s just as good in a jacket spud for you veggies).
Recipe – baked eggs and rocket with chilli and yoghurt
I stumbled across this dish on returning from my morel hunting in Turkey. One of our wonderful hosts, Ali, gave us all a kilo of home-grown paprika as we left.
Marge’s Coleslaw
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘the clue is in the name’? The word coleslaw means ‘cabbage salad’ da DA! Right my attempt at QI over, you may be wondering why you would want to make your own coleslaw when you can just buy it from a shop. The fact is homemade coleslaw is a treat especially when made from organic ingredients, and not like nasty bits of old cabbage in horrid tangified wallpaper paste
Marge’s Rice Pudding
Organic Wales are proud to feature this recipe from our friend and new Organic Wales article writer Marge!
Asparagus Frittata
A tasty supper dish for the brief British asparagus season in late Spring.
Chickpea and Bean Burgers
Uses mostly store-cupboard ingredients.
Mackerel with tomato salsa
Mackerel is at its best in the summer, cooked as soon after they are caught as possible, and they combine well with a glut of home-grown tomatoes for a main meal with a Mediterranean flavour. (Serves 6.)
Courgettes Gratiné
Courgettes are easy to grow but you can quickly find yourself with a glut and in need of new ways to cook them all!